5 Reasons to Use Online Cash Register for the Advancement of Your Business

The development of technology has brought changes to various industrial sectors, including the F&B business operations. Transaction recording, which was originally done manually using cash registers in 1879, is now being replaced by computerized Point of Sale (POS) systems since the 1970s.

In 2014, the mobile version of POS systems in the form of online cash register applications became increasingly popular, experiencing a 41% annual increase in usage, even in America (Statista, 2014). These online cash register applications are considered the most important store technology for consumers.

This is reasonable because online cash register applications provide many conveniences for both consumers and culinary entrepreneurs. Online cash register applications make business performance and transactions faster and more efficient.

For F&B entrepreneurs like you, it is essential to consider using online cash register applications in your culinary business. Check out the 5 reasons in the following review!

1. Time Efficiency

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When using manual cash registers, as a culinary entrepreneur, you must be able to compile transaction reports that occur every day in your restaurant. Transaction records must be made every day without missing a single one. Surely, this requires a lot of time and effort, doesn't it?

On the other hand, if you use the services of an accountant, you need to spend at least two million to tens of millions of rupiah. The larger and more complex your business is, the higher the cost of making financial reports (, 2023).

By using online cash register applications, financial transaction reports are automatically generated quickly and accurately. This way, you can manage your business, whether small or large scale, with a variety of products more easily. Errors in recapitulation can also be avoided.

This can certainly streamline working time and human resources needed in various aspects of business such as product distribution, sales, finances, and others.

2. Security System

kasir online punya sistem keamanan

Source: istock / wicki58

The use of online cash register applications can reduce employees' access to financial matters and company sales data. Generally, online cash register applications are integrated with online ordering systems that also provide accessibility for consumers to make digital payments.

Thus, transactions are automatically recorded, and money enters the system without the intervention of cashiers. This will prevent the potential for fraud that may occur in financial transaction recording or inventory management.

The security of your culinary business can be better maintained because all processes, including payment transactions, stock data, cash flow, and company finances, will be automatically recorded.

In addition, as a business owner, you can monitor your restaurant through online cash register applications anytime and anywhere. It is also important for business practitioners to choose online cash register applications that have official security certifications and have been proven to detect signs of fraud.

3. Business Analysis

kasir online mempermudah analisis bisnis

Source: Freepik / wayhomestudio

In order to develop your business, every entrepreneur like you needs accurate data to be analyzed so that the right business strategies can be determined. Incorrect analysis of existing transaction reports can lead to errors in determining business strategies.

Through online cash register applications, besides facilitating the creation of financial reports, they can also provide data analysis quickly, precisely, and accurately. ESB itself has equipped its POS products with Artificial Intelligence (AI) features that assist in data analysis and provide business recommendations.

AI not only collects transaction data but also consumer behavior data and promotions that you have applied. Thus, online cash register applications such as ESB POS or ESB POSLite will help you determine the right strategies for your business and meet the needs of your customers.

4. Fast Service

kasir online dapat mempercepat pelayanan

Source: freepik / zinkevych

As a culinary entrepreneur, you must be happy to see your restaurant crowded with many customers lining up to eat. But this can be very annoying for them. Especially if the service provided by your restaurant team is slow. Customers might reconsider returning to your restaurant.

The use of online cash register applications can speed up service compared to conventional cash registers. Especially if the online cash register application you use is connected to an online ordering system that facilitates ordering and payments, such as ESB products.

Starting from order acceptance, transaction recording, total transaction calculation, to payment with various methods can be done quickly and efficiently through online cash register applications. Thus, your customers will be happy to return to dine in your restaurant or order from your restaurant.

5. Low Maintenance and Repair Costs

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Source: Freepik

Compared to conventional cash registers, online cash register applications tend to have lower maintenance and repair costs. In addition, long-term use over time can also save on business operational costs.

This will certainly be very beneficial for the financial and business development of your F&B business. Therefore, you must use online cash register applications to operate your culinary business.

Currently, many companies provide affordable online cash register applications. However, online cash register applications such as ESB POSLite with inventory systems are the right recommendation for you, culinary SME owners, with friendly prices and the most complete features for your culinary business.

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