ESB Accompanies the Journey of This Coffee Shop to Become Number 1 in Indonesia

Who would have thought that the name of this coffee shop from West Java was inspired by one of the world-famous coffee menus, Americano. Even though Americano did not originate from the American continent, the young people who had regional spirit built a coffee brand by distorting the name of the menu to JABARANO.
JABARANO consists of two words, namely "JABAR," which means this coffee brand originates from West Java (abbreviated as Jabar), and "ANO," adopted from the word "uno," which means one. This name reflects the goal of the founders of JABARANO. They intended to create a coffee brand from Jabar that could become number one in Indonesia.
You can also watch the journey of JABARANO below.
Not only that, JABARANO has a long-term vision of becoming a globally recognized coffee brand. Its name wants to be as famous as Americano. When coffee lovers sip coffee from the mountains of Jabar, they will recognize the distinctive taste of Jabar, which is different from other coffees.
To achieve this dream, JABARANO realizes that the business system and operations also need to be well-established. One of the steps taken is by implementing integrated ESB products, including ESB POS, ESB Order, ESB Core, ESB Kiosk, and ESB Loop.
Main Reasons for Choosing ESB
Since its inception, JABARANO has believed in the credibility of ESB, as mentioned by Arnold, the owner of JABARANO to the ESB team when they met at the coffee shop corner, "Currently, ESB has been widely used by many multinational brands, and even international brands also use ESB."
After using these ESB products, Arnold and his team have proven that all ESB products can really help their tasks. Starting from restaurant operations to raw material management and customer relations.
"Our traffic range up to now is between five hundred to a thousand people in one day. We only use one cashier, and there is always a queue. With ESB Order, it really helps us to (direct) customers to the table, and they just need to order at the table," explained Arnold when detailing the benefits of ESB products.
Since using ESB Order, an online ordering system that can replace the function of waiters and cashiers while also becoming a channel for selling products online, Arnold and his team can manage JABARANO's operations more easily. Without needing many cashiers, customer orders are automatically recorded.
With complete features and supported by a user-friendly user interface (UI), ESB products are easily accessible by all JABARANO teams for various purposes. Moreover, Arnold likes the service provided by the ESB team, "So what we like about ESB is also the service, actually for me personally, the usage is quite simple and easy."
For culinary entrepreneurs like Arnold, business monitoring can be done more freely anywhere and anytime through ESB products. Besides, they can monitor daily activities in real-time and detect signs of fraud. Thus, fraud can be prevented before the business incurs any losses.
Another advantage of using ESB products that support JABARANO to become No. 1 is the ability to collect consumer data. The use of ESB POS and ESB Order can attract data and consumer habits when ordering. This data will be processed automatically. Then utilized for royalty systems through ESB Loop.
JABARANO can follow up with consumers for the latest promotions. So they place repeat orders, collect as many points as possible, and enjoy other royalty programs. Through this program, customers will enjoy being members and continue to come or make transactions repeatedly.
By using these ESB products, JABARANO is optimistic about realizing its dreams faster. It is not impossible that in the coming years, JABARANO will expand its wings to various cities in Indonesia.
You can also manage your F&B business operations more practically and solve your culinary business problems with ESB, the Culinary Business Expert. Let's contact the ESB team now and get the best solution by clicking here.