How Important is a Self Service System for Your Culinary Business?

Have you ever been to a fast-food joint where there's a long line in front of a big screen machine or maybe you're one of those restaurant customers ordering food through one of those machines? You can see an example of it below.
Source: ESB Documentation
So, that's what we call a Kiosk machine. And if you're doing all those activities by yourself, it's called self-service. But what exactly is self-service, what's the concept, and the advantages of self-service for consumers? And what's the connection between self-service and Kiosk? If you're curious, you can read more in this article! Let's dive into it to find out the answers.
Understanding Self Service in the Culinary Business Industry
Source: freepik / benzoix
Quoting from Service Now, self-service is like an approach that allows visitors to buy goods or what they need without having to wait for a waiter or cashier.
In terms of culinary business, this type of service allows visitors to take their own plates and stroll along the counter to choose, pick up, and pay for their food. It also includes preparing your own eating utensils.
Restaurants like this usually have a special room filled with menus for sale. Then, visitors are also required to bring their own food. There's a menu list with prices for each dish on the counter area, so visitors can estimate how much money they need to pay for their own food.
Of course, this self-service model is totally different from regular restaurants. While usually you just order food and wait for the waiter to deliver it, here you have to prepare your own food.
This self-service model is not only unique but also provides a new experience for your customers. That's why many people prefer to choose self-service restaurants like this.
This self-service model isn't only found in restaurants, but also in restaurants connected to hotels. For example, guests with breakfast packages have to prepare their own food. Some hotels even offer food delivery to your hotel room, just like that.
So, what's the concept of self service?
Source: freepik
Well, the concept of self-service leans towards a quicker and more fun shopping and transaction experience. Usually, the staff doesn't help much in self-service.
For example, when you want to drop by a fast-food restaurant.
So, first, you go straight to the Kiosk (self-service system machine) to order your own menu. Then, if the payment is successful, the queue number will appear on the screen that you can monitor.
When your order is ready, just grab your food, and don't forget to choose your favorite sauce to bring to your table. After eating, we are advised to tidy up our table ourselves by returning the tray and throwing away the trash in the designated place.
With the Kiosk service that helps your restaurant become more advanced! Now there are many restaurants that use Digital Kiosks, with various benefits that certainly facilitate your sales process.
As a provider of F&B business solutions, ESB understands the difficulties faced by culinary business entrepreneurs in managing self-service. Therefore, ESB provides the right solution by presenting Digital Kiosk as a technology that provides self-ordering.
ESB KIOSK can be connected to ESB Kitchen which functions to provide automatic order recording in the kitchen, so that the kitchen crew can easily manage orders according to priorities and queues. And there are still many more advanced technologies integrated into one ESB restaurant technology ecosystem.
Advantages of implementing self service in your restaurant
Source: Freepik.com
With the help of self-service technology from Kiosks, your restaurant looks advanced, right? Besides looking advanced, it turns out there are also advantages to using the self-service system.
Customers Become More Satisfied
With self-service, customers can be more relaxed when transacting. This certainly makes your business more positively impactful because customer satisfaction is higher.
Of course, this self-service makes customers not have to depend on others and can complete the transaction process faster.
Saving Number of Employees
With self-service, of course, you can be more efficient in managing the budget for the number of employees in your business. Because this service can be done by yourself. So, there's no need to bother looking for employees to help with the work. But it doesn't mean you have to immediately reduce all the employees you already have.
You can use this system to develop your business without additional costs for paying new employee salaries. With this, you can reduce expenses, use the money to manage your business, and make your business more successful.
Reducing Overcrowded Queues
If there's a long queue, it will surely annoy all customers. Because your customers will definitely be very reluctant to wait. Well, obviously, this can disappoint customers and make them unwilling to return to your restaurant.
But, with self-service, this becomes a cool way to tackle the queue problem. Because customers can be more independent and don't have to wait for service.
Minimizing Human Errors
With self-service technology, you can reduce common human errors like incorrect records or mismatched menus. You've definitely experienced incidents like that before, which really disappointed customers. Well, with self-service, you can limit or even avoid such mistakes.
Now you know how beneficial self-service is for your culinary business. With a practical concept, the self-service system can be a solution to speed up transactions and provide a more enjoyable experience for your customers. So, don't hesitate to implement self-service in your culinary business.