Tips to Become a Successful Womenpreneur at a Young Age

Do you know what? Being a female entrepreneur, also known as a womenpreneur, is like an exciting yet challenging adventure! Especially now, there are so many young girls out there bravely starting their journey as entrepreneurs.

As quoted from, Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan also explained that the number of women in entrepreneurship or women who own businesses (womenpreneurs) increases every year.

Based on BPS data in 2021, women are known to manage 64.5 percent of the total MSMEs in Indonesia, or about 37 million MSMEs, with a projected total value of USD 135 billion by 2025. Wow, isn't that amazing?

So, looking at the data above, do you want to become a female entrepreneur at a young age? If yes, that's awesome! Well, then, you definitely need to prepare yourself with thorough preparations.

So, how do you do it? Don't worry, in this article, we'll explain the tips for becoming a successful female entrepreneur. Keep reading until the end!

8 Tips to Become a Great Womenpreneur

8 Tips to Become a Great Womenpreneur


Now, what can you do to start a business? Here are 8 tips that you can follow:

1. Find Uniqueness in Services or Products around You

Here's the first tip to be a more contemporary womenpreneur! First of all, you need to find out what's hot in the market, whether it's products or services. Also, you should know what you're going to offer in your business.

Why? Because this is really important! When you're presenting to potential investors, they will surely ask about the products or services you're offering. So, you can explain it clearly and confidently.

And remember, everyone's entrepreneurial journey is different. But what makes a womenpreneur successful is when they dare to try something different from others.

So, focus on showing the uniqueness you've found to make your business stand out.

2. Able to Create Creative Proposal Material

As a womenpreneur, you also need to be able to create proposals that will make investors interested in funding your business. A proposal is like a big plan that discusses everything your business will do.

3. Diligent and Not Easily Giving Up

You've probably heard the words "never give up" or "keep the spirit" often.

But believe me, those words are very applicable to entrepreneurs. Besides, patience and positive thinking are things that need to be applied to become a successful businessperson.

4. Promote Products Tirelessly

Promosikan Produk Tanpa Henti menjadi Satu tips jadi Womenpreneur

Source: / benzois

Now, for product promotion, it's really important! Because most entrepreneurs always face financial problems when it comes to product promotion.

But now, there are plenty of free promotion methods. Besides social media, you can also use a blog for promotion. Just make sure that every content you upload has a link to your products!

5. Expand Relationships Among Womenpreneurs

Don't hesitate to make more friends in the Womenpreneur world. If you expand your network, it can really help you develop your business.

So, let's join other Womenpreneurs in Indonesia. There, you can chat, share experiences, and who knows, find potential investors for your business, right?

That's why it's really important to actively participate in business exhibitions or events, so that more people get to know your business.

6. Start Training Public Speaking Skills

This is really important! For you Womenpreneurs, practicing public speaking is a must. So that when you're presenting later, you won't be nervous and you'll be good at speaking in public, especially when you meet potential supporters for your business.

7. Set Clear Goals

Don't forget! You have to set realistic goals. Surely you don't want to set goals that seem impossible to achieve. Because that can decrease our enthusiasm and confidence.

So, it's better to set goals step by step, even if they're small, but still towards the success you want.

8. Consult with Experts

Don't forget to always ask for advice from those who are experienced. If you have a great mentor, they can be a place to confide in and exchange ideas for us Womenpreneurs.

Not only that, if there's a mentor who's experienced, we become more confident because we already know the right path.

Nowadays, there are many mentors who can help us in business according to their field.

Beginner Business Ideas for Womenpreneurs

Beginner Business Ideas for Womenpreneurs


Before you start your business adventure, make sure you've looked for lots of inspiration. So, here are some cool business ideas for women to try nowadays:

1. Handcrafts

Making handmade products can be a great choice. Nowadays, there are so many handmade products. Especially if the items have high aesthetic value, they'll surely sell like hotcakes. And the prices can also be quite high, as long as the target consumers are right.

2. Reseller and Dropshipper

Even though you've heard it a lot, reseller and dropshipper businesses are still great for beginners. Especially for girls who want to run a business while relaxing at home. This business has been around for a long time, but it's still very profitable.

Nowadays, online businesses are booming. Many online stores are dominating the market with their creative ideas. So, this is a great opportunity for you to become a reseller or dropshipper. Especially if you find a supplier or online store that already has a strong brand and wide reach.

3. Culinary Business

Next, there's a culinary business that's suitable for women to pursue. This business idea is suitable for you if you have cooking skills or have ideas for foods that are currently trending.

Especially in today's era, the culinary business is very promising considering that food has become a primary need. Moreover, nowadays many people love buying food online. Plus, online delivery facilities are widespread. This proves that this business will benefit you.

Moreover, running a culinary business now is much easier. Because now there's ESB, a solution for those of you who don't want to be bothered when running a culinary business. ESB is a software provider company that supports POS systems in your business.

For example, with ESB POS, an Online Cashier Application that can connect orders, kitchens, waiters, cashiers, and customers into a semi/full-automatic flow.

Well, those are some tips and business ideas that you can try in starting your career as a womenpreneur. Remember, the first step may always be full of challenges, but don't let that stop you from achieving success.


With enthusiasm, hard work, and perseverance, because nothing is impossible. Let's start your adventure in becoming an entrepreneur and be an inspiration to many other women.

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