4 Strategies for Developing Human Resources for Culinary Business Success!

Rizki Amelia
4 Strategi Membangun SDM untuk Kesuksesan Bisnis Kuliner!

Employees, or human resources (HR), are valuable assets for a company; they are the ones who contribute almost daily to the operational functions and the realization of the company’s grand vision. This is no exception in the culinary business.

The potential of each employee is the key to a business's success. Therefore, effective management of HR in the culinary sector is crucial, and here are some strategies to do that!

4 Ways to Build Good HR in the Culinary Business

4 Cara Membangun SDM yang Baik dalam Bisnis Kuliner

Source: Freepik

According to, there are four steps to building HR in the culinary business. These steps cannot be applied universally; you must consider the specific conditions of your business. Here are the steps:

1. Restaurant Organizational Structure 

Before starting to recruit employees to support the growth of your culinary business, the first step is to create a well-defined organizational structure. Without a clear organizational structure, rapid hiring can lead to problems later on, as there will be no clarity about roles, functions, and interactions among different parts of the organization.

One of the biggest challenges for an emerging business is the temptation to hire quickly without considering whether there is a genuine need. It’s better to have an efficient team with competitive salaries that motivate them to contribute and grow, rather than many employees with inadequate compensation.
Steps to take in structuring the organization include:

- Defining the functions and departments needed based on the size and complexity of the business.

- Clearly define the scope of each function so that tasks and responsibilities are understood.

- Determining the levels and number of employees in each function according to the scale of the business.

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2. Talent (Recruitment) 

After establishing the organizational structure, the next step is recruitment. In the culinary business, it’s common to see companies posting job vacancies haphazardly on social media. However, don’t expect to find quality candidates if your recruitment methods are careless! We need to present our business attractively to entice candidates to join.

Steps to consider in job openings include:

- Presenting the culinary business in a concise yet inspiring way to capture potential employees' attention.

- Clearly explaining the job offerings and qualifications needed based on business requirements.

- Effectively communicating recruitment needs through appropriate channels, including forums, communities, and relevant social media.

- Establishing standardized recruitment processes for each level to ensure objectivity, including decision-making criteria, onboarding training, and probation periods.

3. Benefits & Rewards 

A company needs to reward high-performing employees based on their achievements. Ensure that top performers receive recognition that reflects their contributions, as equal rewards for varying levels of performance can harm workplace morale.

Steps for distributing benefits or bonuses include:

- Creating a salary structure for each level in the organization (minimum and maximum salary).

- Regularly reviewing attendance, salaries, and promotions. If your culinary business uses ESB POSLite, you can monitor employee attendance at any branch through a single dashboard, regularly assessing discipline levels via the attendance feature.

- Developing recognition programs to motivate employees, such as bonuses and other rewards.

- Organizing enjoyable team-building activities, such as gatherings.

4. Career Advancement 

Finally, career advancement is one of the key factors sought by employees as their skills improve. Employees who are given opportunities for professional and personal growth are more likely to be motivated to contribute and tend to stay longer, as they see potential for growth and good career pathways.

These are the four ways to build HR to maximize your culinary business. With the right approach, as a business owner, you can build a solid, competitive team ready to face challenges together.

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