Confused About How to Create Restaurant SOPs? Find Out Here!

SOPs or Standard Operating Procedures are probably something you’ve heard of, especially if you’re in business or a staff member. SOPs play a crucial role in maintaining and improving the quality of a restaurant or any other establishment.

But have you ever thought about how significant the purpose and benefits of SOPs are? And how do you create the proper SOPs?

You’ll find all the answers in this article, so keep reading until the end!

What is SOP?

Apa Itu SOP?


What is SOP? It stands for Standard Operating Procedures, which serve as a guide for managing a business or institution. These SOPs act as a manual for all employees involved, helping maintain and maximize the quality of the business. 

What does it look like? Restaurant SOPs are usually written documents displayed on the wall as a reminder for each employee. Not only for employees but SOPs can also be created and must be followed by customers and business owners, depending on the type of establishment. If your business is in the culinary field, restaurant SOPs are made to meet customer expectations for quality dining experiences.

The Benefits of Implementing SOPs

Manfaat Penerapan SOP


There are many benefits a culinary business can reap by implementing SOPs, one of which is smoother operations. But beyond that, there are several other advantages SOPs provide, such as:

1. Ensured Customer Satisfaction

Restaurant SOPs may include rules where servers or staff prioritize customer satisfaction during their dining experience. Ensure comfort and safety are prioritized when dining because, after all, the customer is king.

2. Employee Performance Evaluation

These SOPs are created with the hope that the related staff will be responsible and adhere to the rules, right? From here, you can assess and evaluate employees who do not comply with the established SOPs.

You can also observe the performance of your staff and see if their daily tasks align with the SOPs. Imagine if a restaurant had no SOPs—it would lead to chaos and poor customer service.

3. Reducing Employee Errors

Lastly, these rules are made as a guide for employees at work. They outline what needs to be done and what shouldn’t be done, all clearly stated in the SOP.

4. As a Brand Identity

Have you noticed that many Japanese restaurants in Indonesia require their staff to greet customers with “irashaimase” when they enter? This is also an SOP that forms part of the restaurant’s identity.

By implementing SOPs, your restaurant staff will also develop a sense of responsibility for their work.

Examples of Restaurant SOPs

Contoh SOP Restoran


If you’re still unsure about what SOPs in a culinary business might look like, here are some examples of rules you can understand:

- Prioritize serving customers who arrive first; avoid letting others cut in line.

- Servers should explain the most popular dishes so customers aren’t confused when choosing.

- Ensure that the customer’s chosen order is accurately and correctly communicated to the kitchen.

- Ensure that dining areas are kept clean, clearing tables once customers leave.

The rules above are common examples found in restaurant SOPs. With these rules in place, operations become more organized and smooth, right?

Steps to Create Restaurant SOPs

Langkah Membuat SOP


After understanding what SOPs are and how important they are for a restaurant, you realize how crucial SOPs are for business operations.

So, if you’re a business owner who hasn’t implemented SOPs yet, let’s start by following these steps:

1. Identify Service Processes

The first step is identifying the main processes that make your restaurant operations more organized. These include how to serve customers, provide menus, prepare food, clean tables, and handle payment schemes. By identifying these processes, you can focus on creating rules that align with the SOPs’ needs.

2. Assess Potential Risks

Next, think about the possible risks that could occur in each process. For example, what if a customer cuts in line, there’s an accident while preparing an order, or there’s a mistake in delivering an order? By considering these risks, you’ll be more prepared to handle them with the SOPs you’ve created.

3. Explain the Process Steps

Then, detail the processes and risks you’ve studied earlier. Ensure the rules you create are easy to understand and clear for every employee so they can quickly grasp the SOPs.

4. Include Visuals if Needed

This step is optional, but the purpose of including visuals is to help your employees better understand the SOPs. These visuals can be mini images or diagrams, and you can also include visual step-by-step instructions.

5. Hold Open Forums with Employees

After or during the creation of the restaurant SOPs, involve your employees who work directly in the field in discussions. This way, you and your employees can provide feedback, ensuring that the SOPs are understood and easily implemented during work.

Those are the steps to create restaurant SOPs. Now you know, right? SOPs are essential and offer many benefits for a business or institution. They also hold employees accountable at work, ensuring better management of the restaurant.

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