30 Home Business Ideas That Will Never Die in 2025, Small Capital, Big Profits!

Briantama Afiq Ashari
usaha rumahan yang tidak ada matinya

Want to Have your own business, but don't know where to start? Don't worry, this never-ending home business is always a solution for finding additional income or even building a business, you know! 

In 2025, the home business trend will continue to grow! There are many business opportunities that can be started with small capital, but still have the potential to make big profits. Well, uThis home-based business that won't die in 2025 doesn't just sell food, but can also take the form of digital services or products. 

Through the right strategy, you can build a stable and profitable business. However, you are still confused about what business you want to start? Don't worry, the answer is in the following article! Come on, check out the list of 30 home business ideas that you can try this year!

1. Selling Food Online

Selling Food Online


First, iThe home business that won't die in 2025 is selling food online. The culinary industry has a wide market share, because food needs are primary. 

Selling food online allows a wider customer reach, especially with contemporary menus such as rice bowls, fried chicken or dessert boxes which have their own appeal.

2. Usaha Frozen Food

Usaha Frozen Food

Source: CNN Indonesia

Next, what is no less interesting is the frozen food business. mFrozen food is increasingly in demand, because of its practicality and longer shelf life. Producing and selling frozen food such as homemade nuggets, dimsum or frozen meatballs can be a promising business opportunity with a wider target market.

3. Home Catering

Home Catering

Source: RZF Software

One of the home businesses that will never die is home catering. Many individuals are busy and need food practically. Therefore, this home catering business opportunity is quite promising, you know! 

So, the tip is, this catering business is run from home using a pre-order system. The goal is to ensure food ingredients are always fresh and minimize the risk of loss.

4. Kilo Laundry Services

Home business ideas that never die 2025 bThe next issue is not in the culinary sector, but in services. In environments with a high level of mobility, such as boarding house areas or dense housing complexes, laundry services are a primary need. Therefore, this business has the potential for stable profits because the need continues to exist.

5. Contemporary Drinks

Drinks such as iced milk coffee, boba and Thai tea have a wide market share because consumption trends continue to increase. Through a mix of innovative flavors and attractive packaging, this business can compete in the market. You can run this modern home drink business from home too, you know!


Read Also: Examples of successful food product advertisements that attract buyers

6. Simple Coffee Shop

Next, is to open a simple coffee shop, or it could be Warmindo. Coffee remains a favorite drink for many people. Opening a simple coffee shop with a unique concept can attract customers, especially in student areas.

7. Selling cakes and bread

For those who have expertise in cake making, this business could be an attractive choice. Products such as brownies, sponge cake and homemade bread have a stable market, especially if they are marketed via social media.

8. Hampers Business

Special moments such as Eid, Christmas or Chinese New Year often require hampers as gifts. Well, this hamper business can be done just from home too, you know! So, offering hamper packages via social media can be an effective business strategy.

9. Graphic Design Services

Home business ideas that won't die in 2025 aren't just about culinary, you can even do design services too! Skills in design can be utilized to offer services for creating logos, product packaging, and even social media content. This business can be run online without needing large capital.

10. Print-on-Demand Business

The tenth idea, is to open print-on-demand concept. This concept allows selling custom products, such as t-shirts, tote bags or cell phone cases without the need to store stock, so it is more practical and has minimal risk.

11. Digital Product Sales

Oh yes, this next idea can be from digital products too, you know! Digital products such as ebooks, design templates or photo presets are increasingly in demand because of their ease of distribution. This business has the potential for large profits with relatively small capital.

12. Website Creation Services

Many businesses need a professional website to improve performance. If you have coding skills, offering this service can be a profitable business opportunity. The price of this service is no joke, so let's maximize the opportunities and knowledge you have, OK? 

13. Affiliate Marketing

Next is to try affiliate marketing. So, this affiliate is a strategy promote other people's products through social media or blogs, then someone can earn a commission from every successful sale, thus becoming a source of passive income.

14. Social Media Admin Services

As the need for digital promotion increases, many businesses need admins to manage their social media accounts. These services can include content creation, interaction with customers, and data analysis.

15. Online Shop on Marketplace

Selling daily necessities products through marketplace platforms such as Shopee or Tokopedia provides the opportunity to reach a wider market without the need to have a physical store.


Read Also: 22 Promising Food Business Ideas for Beginners in 2025 with Minimal Capital!

16. Dropshipping Business

This business is interesting, namely using a dropshipping system. The dropshipping system allows someone to sell without needing to keep their own stock of goods, only acting as an intermediary between suppliers and customers, thus saving more capital.

17. Typing and Translation Services

The ability to type quickly or master a foreign language can be used to offer document typing and translation services. So, this freelance business idea can be used for both individuals and companies.

18. Online or Private Courses

Providing online courses or private tutoring in various fields such as school subjects, foreign languages, or certain skills can be a promising business opportunity, especially with the increasing interest in online learning.

19. Video Editing Services

As the digital content industry develops, video editing services are increasingly needed to produce interesting material, both for social media and business marketing purposes. So, you can consider this idea too, OK?

20. Product Photography Services

If you are in online business, you need convincing product photos, right? Therefore, you can provide product photography services too! 


Online businesses need high-quality product photos to attract customers. Product photography services with an interesting concept can be a profitable business opportunity.

21. Rent Photography Equipment

Apart from opening culinary or culinary services, you can also provide photography equipment rental services. Many people need cameras or lighting equipment for certain purposes without wanting to buy their own. Renting out this equipment can be a business with initial capital that returns quickly, but it still has to be calculated again, OK? Because it requires quite a bit of capital.

22. Makeup Artist (MUA) Services

The next home business idea is to provide MUA services. The ability to do makeup can be used to offer makeup services for events such as graduations, weddings, or professional photo shoots. This service is bound to be busy, considering that the need continues to increase.

23. Ornamental Plant Cultivation

The growing trend of ornamental plants provides opportunities for plant cultivation businesses. Especially for those who have limited land but want to generate income from home. This idea is quite interesting, but still combined with other strategies, such as using social media for promotion.

24. Electronic Repair Services

Another home business idea that doesn't require a lot of capital is providing service. You can open an electronic service from your home directly, you know! The ability to repair electronic devices, such as cellphones or laptops, can be used as a business.

25. Home-based Grocery Business

Selling basic necessities with an online ordering system and delivery service can be an effective business strategy. Well, this business is optimal if implemented in an environment that has many residents.

26. Shoe Washing Services

You can also open a shoe washing service from home, you know! Why? Because along with the increasing trend of sneakers, shoe washing services are increasingly in demand. This business is relatively easy to run with not too much capital.

27. TikTok and Instagram Content Creation Services

Many businesses need creative content to increase engagement on their social media. Offering interesting short video creation services can be a business opportunity, try it now!

28. Camping or Outdoor Equipment Rental

If we scroll on social media, there is a lot of content. Natural activities such as hiking and camping are increasingly popular and often trending. As a result, this creates business opportunities in outdoor equipment rentals for those who only need it occasionally.

29. Production of Skincare or Handmade Soap

Well, one of the home businesses you can try is making skincare products. Of course, producing skincare or soap can be an interesting business that can be run from home.

30. Digital Marketing Consulting Services

Lastly, this home business idea that won't die in 2025 is digital marketing services. Many businesses want to improve their online performance, but are hampered by strategy. 

So, this is an opportunity for you to offer digital marketing consulting services that can help clients with advertising, SEO and social media optimization. Make sure you have sufficient knowledge and experience, OK!


How? Interested in the inspiration for these 30 home business ideas that will never die in 2025 with minimal capital? Adjust it to your interests and passions, OK! 

Oh yeah, for If you already have a culinary business, then ESB POS is the best choice. This system supports various payment methods and provides business performance reports. 

You can monitor all branches from one platform. Besides that, ESB POS have features Order Management System (OMS). Don't hesitate to start a home business and manage your business more easily together ESB POS

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