What is a Bill of Materials? Come on, get to know the meaning, types and benefits

Briantama Afiq Ashari
bill of material

If you are involved in the manufacturing business world, you will often hear the term Bill of Materials. So, what exactly is a Bill of Materials? This term is often abbreviated to BOM and has an important role in the production process.

For those of you who want to know more, let's look at the complete discussion about the meaning, types and benefits of a Bill of Materials. Listen until the end, OK! So that this article can be useful for you!

Understanding Bill of Materials

A Bill of Materials is a complete list containing the raw materials, components and instructions required to make a product. BOM is not just a list, you know. 

So, BOM is an important guide that ensures the production process runs smoothly from start to finish. The parable is like you are making a cake. 

The recipe you use is similar to BOM. All the ingredients needed, from flour, sugar, to butter, are clearly listed. Likewise with the manufacturing steps. So, this BOM is a kind of "recipe" for the world of manufacturing.

What is a Bill of Materials and its Function?

In general, the Bill of Materials is a tool that helps companies detail all the requirements for producing an item. So, with BOM, the production process becomes more organized. 

For example, if there is an error in raw materials, the BOM can help find where the problem is. You also don't need to worry about raw material stocks running out suddenly. The BOM ensures you have a complete record of what the requirements are and how much needs to be available.

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Types of Bill of Materials

Talking about the Bill of Materials, it turns out there are several types that you need to know. Each type of BOM has a different function according to the company's needs. Come on, let's discuss them one by one!

1. Manufacturing Bill of Material (MBOM)

This type is used in the manufacturing process. MBOM includes raw materials, sub-components, and tools needed to produce goods. If your company focuses on production, MBOM is the most frequently used.

2. Engineering Bill of Material (EBOM)

EBOM focuses more on product design. This type records all components based on technical specifications. EBOM is usually created by the engineering team before the product is mass produced.

3. Sales Bill of Material (SBOM)

SBOM is used for sales. So, this BOM focuses on how the final product is offered to consumers, including details of components that can be customized.

Benefits of Bill of Materials

The Bill of Materials (BOM) has many benefits that make the production process in manufacturing companies more organized and effective. If you are curious about how BOM can help business, let's look at the following explanation!

1. Optimizing Production Process

When you're cooking your favorite food, but the ingredients aren't complete, it's bound to be a hassle, right? It's the same with the production of goods. With a BOM, all the raw materials and components needed are neatly registered from the start. 

So, you won't be confused about what is missing. The production process runs more smoothly without obstacles that waste time.

2. Reduce Production Errors

Small errors in production often lead to big losses. For example, choosing the wrong raw materials or installing the wrong components. Well, the BOM functions as a guide that ensures all production steps are carried out correctly. 

If there is a wrong part, you can immediately check it in the BOM. Of course, this helps you minimize the risk of production failure.

3. Control Production Costs

It is very important to know how much costs will be incurred during the production process. BOM helps you calculate raw material needs precisely. 

From here, you can estimate your budget in a more controlled manner. Unnecessary expenses can be reduced, so that your business remains profitable without wasting money.

4. Makes Planning Easier

The production process requires careful planning. BOM helps you design a structured work schedule. You can know when raw materials need to be prepared, how much is needed, and how long production takes.

5. Supports Decision Making

Sometimes, you have to make quick decisions to overcome production problems. For example, when the main raw material suddenly runs out, you need to look for alternatives. Through BOM, you can immediately check the need for other raw materials that are still available.

6. Increase Operational Efficiency

BOMs also help companies work more efficiently overall. All data related to raw materials, components and production instructions have been well documented. 

In essence, the BOM makes it easier for each part of the company to work according to their respective duties. No more confusion or miscommunication between teams.

From all these benefits, it is clear that BOM is an important key for manufacturing companies. If all processes are well organized, not only will product quality increase, but also the company's overall profits. 

Especially if you integrate BOM with modern technology such as an ERP system. Everything becomes more practical and efficient!

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Differences between Bill of Materials and Other Production Documents

Many people confuse BOMs with other production documents, such as work plans or stock records. In fact, each document has a different function. Well, here are the differences:

  • BOM: Focuses on raw materials and components required for production.
  • Work Plan: Focus more on the production timeline.
  • Stock Records: Used to monitor the availability of raw materials in the warehouse.

So, the BOM is a kind of map that guides you in the production process, while other documents are more supporting.

The Importance of Using a Digital System for Bill of Materials

In today's technological era, recording BOMs manually seems less efficient. Many manufacturing companies are turning to digital systems to manage their BOMs. 

Through software, you can manage BOM more easily and efficiently. This system not only helps record the BOM, but also integrates it with the overall production process. 

You can monitor raw materials, predict needs, and control production costs more accurately. So, you can monitor the use of raw materials and their contribution to your income by paying attention to the Bill of Materials (BOM) for each menu. 

Are there raw materials that run out quickly but are used for products that don't sell well? Maybe you could consider replacing the menu with another menu that is more suited to customer tastes.

You can collect this kind of information well if your sales records are neatly arranged. Of course, one of these can be done by using technological software such as ESB's ERP system, namely ESB Core.

Well, with ESB Core, you can optimize all business processes, including BOM management. This system has been integrated with various advanced features that help your business run more efficiently. Come on, increase your business together with ESB!

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