Ghost Kitchen: Sounds Spooky, But It’s a Money Maker!

What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘ghost’? Probably something scary, right? That’s natural, considering the word ‘ghost’ means something eerie. But in this article, we're not talking about anything spooky. Instead, we’ll dive into the culinary business trend that’s been gaining popularity recently—ghost kitchens.

You might be wondering, what exactly is a ghost kitchen? How does it work, and what tips are there for starting a ghost kitchen business? Let’s break it down!

What is a Ghost Kitchen?

Pengertian Apa Itu Ghost Kitchen?


A ghost kitchen is a concept in the culinary business where food and drinks are prepared without a large kitchen, and customers can't dine in. From that definition, can you picture it? Ghost kitchens typically operate by fulfilling customer orders through online requests and delivering directly to the buyer. So, rest assured, customer demand is still met!

But how do they serve customers? The process involves sellers renting a kitchen from a third party to prepare the food. You either sell the food prepared by others, or you cook it yourself in a private kitchen. That’s why it’s called a ghost kitchen, meaning a "shadow kitchen."

How Does a Ghost Kitchen Work?

Bagaimana Cara Kerja Ghost Kitchen?


At first glance, the ghost kitchen concept may be confusing, but it's quite profitable in the culinary business. The workflow is also easy to manage—you can rent a kitchen from a third party, and then register your culinary business on various marketplaces like GoFood, GrabFood, Shopee Food, or other online platforms. Guide your customers to order food online through these marketplaces.

Once an order comes in, you can immediately prepare the food, and the order is ready for delivery. Easy, right? Besides being simple, there are several advantages for business owners, such as:

- No need to spend excessively on operational costs.

- More flexible compared to running a restaurant.

- It requires less space and only needs a kitchen to prepare the food.

Tips for Starting a Ghost Kitchen Business

Tips Memulai Bisnis dengan Konsep Ghost Kitchen


After learning about what a ghost kitchen is and how it works, are you interested in starting a culinary business with this concept? If so, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Choose an Accessible Location

While customers won’t visit your restaurant, picking a good location is still important. Delivery drivers will need to come to your place to pick up and deliver orders, so accessibility is key.

2. Ensure You Have an Online Menu

Without an online menu, how will your customers choose what to order? Create an attractive online menu that grabs attention. Make sure the visuals and prices are unique and appetizing. Don’t forget, your restaurant’s logo should be catchy and easy to remember.

3. Find a Food Delivery Platform

After crafting your unique menu, you’ll need to find a marketplace for food delivery. Examples include GoFood and GrabFood, or you can offer WhatsApp Business as an option for customers to place orders.

4. Hire Additional Staff

Although running a ghost kitchen might seem easy to manage alone, there will be times when it gets hectic, especially with a flood of orders. So, it’s a good idea to hire additional staff who can help, like a marketing admin or an experienced chef.

5. Create Attractive Packaging

This is your chance to get creative with unique and appealing packaging. However, make sure the packaging is high-quality and protects the food inside. That way, your customers will receive their food in great condition.

6. Promote Your Business

Since the ghost kitchen concept operates online, your promotions should also be done online. Utilize social media or marketplaces for your marketing efforts.


So, there you have it—a breakdown of what a ghost kitchen is and some tips for starting one. After learning all this, are you interested in giving the ghost kitchen business a try? Even though it’s relatively new, a ghost kitchen can still thrive if you have the determination and willpower to make it succeed. Keep pushing forward, and remember, hard work pays off. Good luck, culinary entrepreneurs!

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